尊敬する先輩のblogに触発されて昔読んだコンセプトを思い出した.(positive showerがあふれ出る先輩で会うといつも元気になるので大好きです)
Best practice modelにはいろいろあります。「言語化」できるかどうかはひとつのカギです。できる人たちだけやればいいわけではありませんので。
残念ながら引用が出来ないがおそらくいつぞやのHarvard Business Reviewだったと思う
postitive deviance/deviant
についての記載があった.そこで挙げられていた例はある保険会社が全体にどの営業所も軒並み売り上げが落ちている中で,なぜか一つだけ売り上げを伸ばしている営業所があった.そこのやり方が他の営業所と何が違うかを徹底的に調べて他の営業所ではやっていなかった行動を他の営業所に取り込む,という事例で,その一つだけ飛び抜けている営業所のことをpostitive deviantと呼ぶ.
postitive deviance/deviant
ただ,「best practice modelから学ぶ」という言葉はある.基本的には同じ.
Positive Deviance Initiative
What is Positive Deviance?
In every community there are certain individuals (the "Positive Deviants") whose special practices/ strategies/ behaviors enable them to find better solutions to prevalent community problems than their neighbors who have access to the same resources. Positive deviance is a culturally appropriate development approach that is tailored to the specific community in which it is used.
「find better solutions to prevalent community problems than their neighbors who have access to the same resources.」というところがみそ.やはりあまりにも違いすぎる状況では何がその差を生んでいるのかわからないので.
positive deviant network
The first successful large-scale field application of positive deviance was initiated in Vietnam in early 1991 to address the problem of childhood malnutrition. Over the following decade, the positive deviance approach to nutrition became a national model and today reaches a population of 2.2 million inhabitants in 250 Vietnamese communities.
Positive Deviance
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Positive Deviance (PD) is an approach to personal, organizational and cultural change based on the idea that every community or group of people performing a similar function has certain individuals (the "Positive Deviants") whose special attitudes, practices/ strategies/ behaviors enable them to function more effectively than others with the exact same resources and conditions.[1] Because Positive Deviants derive their extraordinary capabilities from the identical environmental conditions as those around them, but are not constrained by conventional wisdoms, Positive Deviants standards for attitudes, thinking and behavior are readily accepted as the foundation for profound organizational and cultural change.
いわゆるヒーローと言うことかもしれません.ただし,positive deviantが必ず目立っているとは限りません.
For example, even though poverty is often the root-cause of ill health, in any community there will usually be some families, the Positive Deviants, that manage to stay healthy, or raise healthy kids, despite their poverty. Their practices, such as washing their hands more often, cooking the food differently, consuming crops that were considered taboo by the rest of the village etc. became the foundation for large scale community change.
Their extensions include methodologies and technologies for:
*Quickly identifying the Positive Deviants
*Efficiently gathering and organizing the Positive Deviant knowledge
*Motivating a willingness in others to adopt the Positive Deviant approaches
*Sustaining the change by others by integrating it into their pre-existing emotional and cognitive functions
*Scaling the positive deviant knowledge to large numbers of people simultaneously[
MEERA SHEKAR et al. Use of Positive-Negative Deviant Analyses to Improve Programme Targeting and Services: Example from the TamilNadu Integrated Nutrition Project.International Journal of Epidemiology 1992, 21: 707–713.
The power of positive deviance -- Marsh et al. 329 (7475): 1177 -- BMJ (BMJにアクセスすると必ずブラウザがクラッシュするのでabstractすら読めてませんが)
1 コメント:
たまたま、今日同じような話をミシガン大学のLee Green先生から言われました。
「それは確かに良い疑問点だが、これをやっている本質はsystem based practiceを実践することの意義を示し、世に問うて広めていくことだ」
自分たちがpostitive deviantとして行動を示し、地域の医師(開業医)と連携を積極的にはかっているGreen先生の言葉にちょっと感動したので、コメントしました。