

3/26/2009付けのClinical Cases and Images - Blog :Strangest PubMed title ever? And the same author has published a whole string of them...


I am a 64-year-old man, and I've always been proud of my perfect health record. I've also been proud of my full head of hair, even after the gray started creeping in. Four months ago I caught pneumonia and spent eight days in the hospital (three in intensive care). It took a while, but I'm finally back to normal - except that my hair is falling out. It comes out in clumps when I shampoo or even comb it, and it's gotten noticeably thin all over. I remember reading about Propecia in your newsletter but I don't have the old issue. Should I try the medication?

Simon HB. Harv Mens Health Watch. 2002 Jun;6(11):8.

しかも上記のリンクをたどって頂くと,右側のrelated articleのところに,同じ著者の同様の長いタイトルの論文が沢山出てきます.


Harvey Simon is an Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Founding Editor of the Harvard Men's Health Watch.


8/16/2007 PubMed Suprise: A Researcher with 600 Co-Authors on a Single Article


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