
    医師は経営を教わらない? Management of Health Systems/Practice Management(診療所運営)という分野



米国の家庭医研修ではその研修中にPractice Management(診療所運営)と呼ばれる分野を必ずカバーすることが要求されています。
ACGME program requirement for family meidicine

全て抜き書きしておきます(個人的には,知らない間にManagement of Health Systemsと書き換えられていたのが興味深いです)

Management of Health Systems
must receive at least 100 hours of management and leadership instruction to include both the didactic and the practical settings.

This curriculum should prepare residents to assume leadership roles in their practices, their communities, and the profession of medicine. The residency must have specific strategies to demonstrate that residents have mastered these skills.

The FMC must be considered the primary site for teaching management and leadership skills, and should serve as an example on which residents may model their future practices.

Each resident must receive reports of individual and practice productivity, financial performance, patient satisfaction and clinical quality, at least quarterly, as well as the training needed to analyze these reports. Residents must attend regular monthly FMC business meetings with staff and faculty to discuss practice-related policies and procedures, business and service goals, and practice efficiency and quality.

They must participate in projects to improve the quality of care and service delivered to the FMC patient population.
The management curriculum should include current billing practices, designing and managing a budget, assessing practice staffing needs, the impact of new technologies on practice, determining value in the marketplace, assessing customer satisfaction, measurement of clinical quality, tort liability and risk management, office scheduling systems, computers in practice, alternative practice models, and employment law and procedures. Residents should also learn principles of public relations, media training, and personnel management.

The leadership curriculum should include training to provide leadership for a clinical practice, a hospital medical staff, professional organizations, and community leadership skills to advocate for the public health.

Recommended Curriculum Guidelines for Family Medicine Residents

Management of Health Systems (Practice Management)

Practice-based Learning and Improvementという領域として別に設定されています(前述の2つのリンク参照)

Recommended Curriculum Guidelines for Family Medicine Residentsの方は,そのときの最新のものが日本語版として翻訳されています(その後英語の方は順次改訂されているので注意)

その認定要件の元となる、特定非営利活動法人 日本家庭医療学会 認定 後期研修プログラム(バージョン1.0)(PDFファイル)のなかでも、全ての医師が備える能力として、(3)組織・制度・運営に関する能力のなかで定義されています。



2008/12/03  JIM 特集 医師のためのビジネス・スキル


改めてprogram requirementを読み返して、気づいたことがいくつかありますので、別エントリーにて。

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